If the vertical line illustrating where OSHA was formed was not there, you would not be able to guess when it was instituted based on the graph. Workplace fatalities were already well under decline by the time safety regulations came along via OSHA. Why is this? Because one way to cut costs is to improve workplace safety, causing the supply of labor to shift to the right, and lowering the wages you have to pay. For some numbers from Bryan Caplan:
Annual OSHA penalties for safety violations (2002): $149,000,000
Annual Workers Compensation Premiums (2001): $26,000,000,000
Estimated Annual Wage Premiums for Risky Activities (2004 dollars): $245,000,000,000
The market punishment for riskier conditions is about nine times larger than the government regulation punishment of workers compensation and OSHA penalties. That is why we have the steadily falling time trend pictured in the graph.Hat Tip: Marginal Revolution, Division of Labour, and EconLog